Reborn Storage Multiblock Needs Reconnecting After Every Login Updated FREE

Reborn Storage Multiblock Needs Reconnecting After Every Login

  • #3

I would say AE2 is better. Simply that is my opinion. Only here are my reasons for information technology.

  • In terms of storage a 1k disk in AE holds 4096 of a single item. Same in disk in RS hold 1024 items. Granted RS doesn't have 53 type limit like AE does. But if y'all look at using a 64k disk for mass storage of a single detail it will hold 524,288 of that item same 64k deejay for RS only holds 65,536 items. Which means you demand lxxx 64k RS disks to equal one AE 64k disk for holding a single detail.
    • Then my typical setup for AE is to apply 1k disks for full general storage. And then move items I need bulk storage for to a partitioned 64k disk. This helps avert the 53 blazon limit of the AE disk and maximizes the usage of the 64k disk.
  • Raw materials used to create the system. Overall for the amount of storage yous go AE doesn't cost as much raw textile to make.
    • AE2 1k deejay takes: 3 iron, 8 redstone, 9 certus quartz, 4 glass, 1 gold & 1 silicon
    • RS 1k disk takes in FTB Beyond: 3 iron, 4 redstone, ane under quartz, five glass, 4 silicon ---> now multiply this by 4 to equal one AE 1k disk.
    • Disk drives - AE drive holds x disks, the RS bulldoze only holds 8.
  • General quality and looks. AE just looks better. All of the RS blocks looks sort of well blah.. ugly.

The big drawback that most people mutter about with AE2 is the crafting of the crystals in a puddle of water. But in that location are ways to automate this and then it usually isn't a problem. The other large complaint is the channel limits. Merely this again can be worked around. And I view information technology equally a proficient thing because information technology forces y'all retrieve a fiddling instead of just laying down one long chain of cable.

But to each his own. And I tin encounter the draw some people accept to RS.


  • #iv

I would say AE2 is meliorate. Simply that is my opinion. But hither are my reasons for it.

  • In terms of storage a 1k disk in AE holds 4096 of a single particular. Same in disk in RS hold 1024 items. Granted RS doesn't have 53 blazon limit similar AE does. Just if you wait at using a 64k deejay for mass storage of a unmarried item it will hold 524,288 of that detail same 64k deejay for RS just holds 65,536 items. Which ways yous need 80 64k RS disks to equal one AE 64k disk for property a single item.
    • So my typical setup for AE is to use 1k disks for general storage. Then movement items I demand bulk storage for to a partitioned 64k disk. This helps avoid the 53 type limit of the AE disk and maximizes the usage of the 64k disk.
  • Raw materials used to create the system. Overall for the amount of storage y'all go AE doesn't price as much raw cloth to make.
    • AE2 1k disk takes: three iron, eight redstone, ix certus quartz, 4 glass, 1 gilded & i silicon
    • RS 1k deejay takes in FTB Beyond: three iron, iv redstone, 1 nether quartz, five glass, 4 silicon ---> now multiply this by iv to equal one AE 1k disk.
    • Disk drives - AE drive holds 10 disks, the RS drive only holds viii.
  • General quality and looks. AE just looks amend. All of the RS blocks looks sort of well blah.. ugly.

The big drawback that near people mutter about with AE2 is the crafting of the crystals in a pool of h2o. But there are ways to automate this then information technology unremarkably isn't a problem. The other big complaint is the channel limits. Merely this again can be worked around. And I view it equally a proficient thing because information technology forces yous recall a little instead of merely laying downwardly one long chain of cablevision.

Just to each his own. And I can see the depict some people take to RS.

Now, I really have to disagree with y'all on the aesthetic - while the color scheme is a piffling more limited, I actually recall the textures and specially the block models on RS are equally adept - some are better! I beloved the drives, how they stick out slightly from the surface :) I really similar RS'due south aesthetic - but that is entirely personal subjective opinion.

I remember that its unfair of @Cptqrk to telephone call it a "re-create" of AE1 - if anything I would say it's inspired by both, but falls much more into a sort of "AE ane.5" position if anything. I call up the autocrafting is very nice - more intuitive than AE1's was (with the giant MAC, or alternatively using the interfaces).

What bothers me is the fact that everyone puts it as a "versus" - they don't have to compete! A nice matter about RS is that it adds no world gen. That'southward non to be underestimated either. Only, AE2 has a nice characteristic (if memory serves) whereby when an detail is being crafted, you can go the system to emit a redstone indicate - that could be a really handy feature for all sorts of things!

  • #5

From using both, I'd take to say that AE2 offers more power to do things only at the cost of more complexity. For me personally the just thing missing for me that i really with AE2 would add together in past default is ExtraCells and fluid storage/crafting. RS wins out here right at present since you dont have to arts and crafts multiple "buses" for fluid or item utilise and can auto-craft using fluids currently. Fluid storage is a office of the principal mod. And as above said, theres no gen to worry about with RS vs the meteors and certus with AE2.


  • #six

From using both, I'd accept to say that AE2 offers more than power to do things only at the cost of more complexity. For me personally the only thing missing for me that i really with AE2 would add together in past default is ExtraCells and fluid storage/crafting. RS wins out hither right now since you dont have to craft multiple "buses" for fluid or item use and can machine-craft using fluids currently. Fluid storage is a part of the main modern. And as to a higher place said, theres no gen to worry about with RS vs the meteors and certus with AE2.

YES. I hadn't mentioned the fluid storage, just yous're spot-on - that'southward really nicely implemented and office of the modern.

  • #viii

Also, you tin can move fluids effectually with AE2. But, without extra cells it can't store fluids. Take a await at the Peer 2 Peer tunnels that allow free energy and fluid transfer.

  • #xiii

You tin can add RTG & BOP if you lot add together climate control/geographic. It will produce some beautiful terrain. But expect a lot of lag while generating that terrain. I've done this on Builder's Custom if you want to load the pack and take a expect at the terrain gen. Make sure to employ RTG to get the custom RTG + BOP generation.

  • #17

I significantly prefer Refined Storage over AE2.

* No meteorites to have to hunt down to get involved with the modernistic.
* No resource doubling using an birdbrained but withal hands automatable in-world mechanic
* More CPU efficient
* No channel management (as SIGNIFICANT reason it takes up fewer organisation resources, no Super Soaryn Drives necessary to featherbed channel limitations which can bog a server down to its knees)
* No meteorites clogging up worldgen and generally being a useless eyesore and blight on the landscape
* Ability to handle fluids likewise as items, including being able to place fluids in-globe as well every bit suck them upwardly, without requiring tertiary-party addons.
* More elegant recipe dynamic. It nevertheless requires resources, in fact more resource than AE2 does, but as information technology is all in subcombines, you don't really 'feel' it because it is all intuitive
* No $#%)*!ing meteorites.



Non Totally Useless

  • #18

I significantly prefer Refined Storage over AE2.

* No meteorites to have to hunt downward to get involved with the mod.
* No resource doubling using an obtuse simply still easily automatable in-world mechanic
* More than CPU efficient
* No aqueduct management (equally Significant reason it takes up fewer system resources, no Super Soaryn Drives necessary to featherbed channel limitations which tin bog a server down to its knees)
* No meteorites clogging upward worldgen and by and large being a useless eyesore and blight on the landscape
* Ability to handle fluids as well as items, including being able to place fluids in-world as well as suck them up, without requiring third-party addons.
* More elegant recipe dynamic. It nevertheless requires resources, in fact more resource than AE2 does, simply as it is all in subcombines, you lot don't really 'experience' it because it is all intuitive
* No $#%)*!ing meteorites.

Agree with everything hither, especially the fluid handling, except the aqueduct matter equally a personal preference.

That said, I nigh think in both case "channels" should really be an improver intended for niche packs.

Reborn Storage Multiblock Needs Reconnecting After Every Login



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